Complete and duplicate dentures

If you have been wearing dentures for years or are getting your first pair of dentures, the staff at Highcliffe Dental Practice believe that the dentures you wear should give you a smile with complete confidence. Our dentists will work with you and will provide expert treatment to give you the smile you've been looking for.

There are different options available for dentures. We can create complete dentures from scratch or duplicate existing dentures from the latest technology and superior laboratories, creating new and improved versions for you.

Free smile check

We offer a free no obligation consultation. The appointment has been designed to inspire you to make the first steps towards improving your smile. The appointment involves an informal discussion with the dentist of your choice, where we discuss your individual dental needs.

If you wish your teeth were straighter, have unsightly gaps and your gums bleed, then this is the consultation for you.

Our denture service includes:

  • Acrylic dentures
  • Chrome dentures
  • Flexible material dentures
  • Tooth coloured retentive clasps
  • Functional standard dentures
  • Superior standard dentures to inspire you
  • Free smile check
  • Dental care plan package that can offer you discounts on dental treatment
For a no obligation free smile check, call us on
01425 273 025 
Dentist - Highcliffe, Christchurch - Highcliffe Dental Practice - Smile
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